Restarting your computer regularly helps keep a stable Windows session, allows updates to finalize installations, and can help clear up software "bugs." A system restart is a fundamental step for troubleshooting if you are having an odd issue on your computer and is a great place to start.
Start Menu (Primary option)
- Click Start on the taskbar
- Click Power
- Click Restart
Press CTRL+ALT+DEL keys (Situational, if you are unable to get to the Start menu)
- On your keyboard, press CTRL+ALT+DEL simultaneously
- At the next screen click the Power icon in the bottom right
- Select Restart
Note that logging out of Windows, closing the laptop lid, or holding the power button is not the same as using the restart function. Holding the power button is not recommended except in certain situations when troubleshooting with IT - Contact IT if you need assistance.